Understanding Cysts

Cysts are sacs or capsules that form in the skin or inside the body, often filled with fluid, air, or semi-solid material. While they can appear anywhere on your body, they are commonly found in the skin, ovaries, and breasts. Most cysts are benign and do not require treatment, but it’s important to get a proper diagnosis to rule out any serious conditions.

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Types of Skin Cysts

Different types of skin cysts have unique characteristics and causes. Here are some of the most common types:

  1. Sebaceous Cysts: Sebaceous cysts are usually harmless, slow-growing, and filled with a yellowish oily material. They commonly appear on the face, neck, ears, trunk, back, or groin area. These cysts can be caused by a ruptured follicle, improperly growing sebaceous duct, or injury to the area.
  2. Epidermoid Cysts: Also known as sebaceous cysts, these form when epidermal cells (normally shed from the skin) move deeper into the skin. They are typically found on the face, neck, and trunk but can appear anywhere on the body.
  3. Dermoid Cysts: Dermoid cysts contain mature skin, hair follicles, sweat glands, fat, bone, cartilage, and thyroid tissue. These can form anywhere on the body and are often present at birth.
  4. Acne Cysts: Acne cysts, or cystic acne, appear as pus-filled lumps that look like boils. Caused by severe irritation or infection of a blocked pore, these cysts can be red or skin-colored.
  5. Pilar Cysts: Commonly developing on the scalp, these fluid-filled cysts form from a hair follicle. Radical surgical excision is the main treatment for pilar cysts.
  6. Mucous Cysts: These fluid-filled lumps form on your lip or around your mouth when the salivary glands become plugged with mucus. Common causes include lip or cheek biting, piercings, and improper dental hygiene.

Causes of Cyst

Cysts can form for various reasons, including:

  1. Infections
  2. Inherited diseases
  3. Genetics
  4. Chronic inflammation
  5. Blockages in ducts
  6. Tumors
  7. Parasites
  8. Injuries

Treatment Options for Skin Cysts

If you have a cyst, avoid trying to squeeze or pop it yourself, as this can lead to infection. Here are some common medical treatments:

  1. Drainage: A healthcare professional may use a needle to drain fluids and other matter from the cyst.
  2. Medications: Corticosteroid injections can lower inflammation in the cyst.
  3. Surgical Removal: For cysts that don’t respond to drainage or are hard to reach, surgical removal may be necessary.
  4. Warm Compresses: Applying a warm compress can help speed up the healing process by helping the cyst drain naturally.

When to See a Dermatologist

While most cysts are harmless, you should see a Board-Certified Dermatologist if you have an unexplained lump. They can determine whether it requires treatment and perform additional tests to confirm it’s a cyst.


Understanding the types and causes of skin cysts can help you make informed decisions about your health. If you’re concerned about a cyst, contact our dermatology team for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Remember, while most cysts are benign, it’s always better to be safe and get them checked out. For personalized advice and treatment options, schedule an appointment with one of our expert dermatologists today. Make your skin’s health our priority!